Friday, October 9, 2020

It's the Little Things


Pretzel day is coming!  That's the email I sent out to my staff today.  Needless to say, the response has been overwhelming enthusiastic.  This got me thinking... by celebrating the little things, we truly appreciate life.  

Several years ago, a family friend and I went to the Farmers' Market.  We wandered throughout the stalls and her bag steadily filled as mine remained empty.  As we approached one of the last vendors, I picked up a small mason jar shaker filled with honey and excitedly exclaimed how perfect it would be filled with cinnamon sugar, and that I had been on the lookout for such a thing.  My friend immediately burst into fits of laughter.  "How can you possibly by so excited by a cinnamon sugar shaker?" she asked.  I didn't really have an answer for her.  But, honestly the answer is simple, it is the ability to genuinely embrace the little things.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for grand gestures, trips, events, etc... but my joy isn't tied to those moments.  It is truly found in the simplest of things: a cinnamon shaker, a clean house, a good book, coffee with friends, pretzel day.  So my wish and hope for you, is to find those simple, little, seeming insignificant moments of joy and embrace them enthusiastically.